The Clarks live on the second floor of their house and lease the first floor. 克拉克一家住在他们房子的二楼,而把一楼租出去了。
Go to house lease returning one part to borrow money with chummage, because the house is returned, have the space that rise. 将房子租出去用房租还一部分贷款,因为房子还有上涨的空间。
He took a house on a lease of ten years. 他租了一幢房子,租期为十年。
In case of any damage or trouble of the house for lease and its attached facilities due to improper or unreasonable use by Party B, Party B shall repair it or compensate accordingly in time. 因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,出租房屋或附属的设施出现损坏或发生故障,乙方应负责及时维修或赔偿。
To offer house lease service for transferable personnel in your company or individuals as well as to offer senior nurse and domestic help for foreigners. 为您的企业或个人提供人员调动的涉外房屋租赁,涉外高级保姆及家政服务。
For multinational enterprises, house lease service charge free, service information feedback in1 hour. 对广大跨国企业免收房屋租赁服务费,1小时内反馈服务信息。
Foster the second-hand house and lease the room market, strengthen the supply of the ordinary commodity apartment; 培育二手房租赁房市场,加大普通商品房的供给;
To register and administrate the house lease contracts in accordance with the provisions of these regulations; 根据本条例的规定对房屋租赁合同进行登记和管理;
How to return a house lease expired? 租约到期如何办理退房?
House for lease has& suites ( rooms) and its construction area is XXX in all. 出租房屋为(套、间),建筑面积共计平方米。
When the house is rented, Party A may charge Party B the house lease security deposit stipulated by the contract. 房屋出租时,甲方可以与乙方在合同中约定收取房屋租赁保证金。
When the lease terminates, except the amount offsetting the charge undertaken by Party B as stipulated by the contract, the rest of the house lease security deposit shall be refunded to Party B. 租赁关系终止时,房屋租赁保证金除用以抵充合同约定由乙方承担的费用外,剩余部分应当归还乙方。
The prevailing laws in our county do not distinguish the nature of the house sales from house lease or take the registration as the requisite of effect of the contract. 我国现行立法未能将房屋买卖与房屋租赁两类不动产的性质作明确区分,将登记备案亦规定为房屋租赁合同的生效要件。
This chapter mainly makes clear the connotation of commercial house lease. 第一章是概述部分,主要解决住宅商租合同本身问题。
It is difficult for tax staff to pursuit detailed information of each house. There is an urgent requirement of developing a software to control the tax on house lease. 具体在第一线的基层征管人员反映很难追踪每一户的明细,同时要求开发私房出租税控系统的呼声也很大。
Then this paper summarizes and introduces the general system and special system of house lease legal system between two countries to interpret the existing systems. 其次本文概括和介绍了中德房屋法律制度的一般制度和特殊制度,将两国现行制度得以展现。
The right of Preemption of the lease holder is limited to the Preemption of the House Lease holder. 我国承租人优先购买权仅限于房屋承租人的优先购买权。
The Preemption of the House Lease holder as one of the preemptive rights, is an important legal system in our civil law. 承租人优先购买权作为优先购买权之一,是我国民法上的一项重要的法律制度。
But our current house lease system is not perfect and comprehensive and the provided law still has the loophole. These series problems lead to lease disputes and social contradictions occurred frequently. 但我国现有的房屋租赁制度不完善,体系不周全,法律规定仍有漏洞,这些导致租赁纠纷和社会矛盾频频发生。
Through the comparison of house lease system of two countries, the author summarizes the differences between two countries 'systems and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems and the formed reasons. 通过用对比的方法将两国房屋租赁制度进行逐一比较,总结出两国在该制度上的异同并分析两国制度各自利弊及成因。
The priority of lease in this thesis is the priority of house lease. 本文所指的优先承租权系房屋优先承租权。
Although the general viewpoint is that the priority of house lease should be admitted, because the priority of lease lacks of specified laws and regulations, it brings perplexity to the court. 虽然目前普遍观点认为对房屋优先承租权应予以承认,但是由于优先承租权缺乏法律上的明确规定,给人民法院审理此类案件时适用法律带来困扰。
In America, the government rarely intervene business lease, but it controlled the lease and established the lease control system to protect the lessee in the house lease which goal was to live with family. 美国政府虽然很少干预商业租赁,但是在以家庭居住生活为目的的住宅租赁中,实施了租赁管制的措施,建立了租赁控制体制以保护住房承租人。
Finally, it suggests that we should implement electronic registration and establish a uniform registration rules for improving our house lease registration system. 最后,为完善我国房屋租赁登记制度,建议对城市房屋租赁实行电子登记并建立统一的城市房屋租赁登记规则。
House lease is one of the main way that people take advantage of scarce houses. 而房屋租赁更是成为人们利用房屋这一稀缺资源的主要途径。
In recent years, local tax authority takes different measures of taxation management to carry out the new policy of taxation on private house lease, but it brings little effect because the small-sized house and the deconcentration of tax source make it hard to control and administrate. 近年来,地税部门为进一步做好私房租赁税收新政的贯彻落实,采取了多种征管措施,但由于纳税人所出租或承租的房产多是小型户资料,税源分散,不便控管,收效甚微。
With the increase of the civil disputes about the priority of house lease, it is paid attention by more people and gives rise to discussion in jurisprudential circle. 房屋租赁中有关优先承租权的民事纠纷的日渐增多,不仅引起了人们的关注,也引发了法学界的探讨。
The market of house lease is playing more actively, then it arises many new problems in its development. 房屋租赁市场日益活跃,在其发展过程中不断产生新的问题。
House tenancy register records system is built for managing the rental market, which regulates house lease parties have the responsibility to rent rental contract to house property management authority to review. 房屋租赁登记备案制度是国家为了管理租赁市场而规定的要求房屋租赁当事人将房屋租赁合同向房产管理部门登记备案,由房管部门对租赁合同进行审查的制度。